Louisa First Baptist Church
Giving and Stewardship
Giving is an act of worship. At First Baptist, we believe that God is the Giver of all that we have. We give back to Him as an act of worship with gratitude in our hearts. We give our time, talents, and treasure to be used by Him for His glory. When you give, you are not giving to a church, an organization, or the church staff; you are giving to God. He has blessed us to bless others. He only asks that we give back a portion of what He has entrusted to us.
It is through this commitment of giving that hearts can be reached, lives can be changed, and hope can be restored as we share the Good News of Jesus Christ at home and abroad.
Monetary Gifts
Online Giving - This safe and flexible option is one of the easiest ways to give at First Baptist. Simply click the Donations Tab at the top of the page.
Weedend Services - Place your check or cash in the offering or drop box during any of our weekend services. Please make checks payable to First Baptist Church Louisa. Offering envelopes are available throughout the lobby. If you are giving toward debt retirement or any other special offering, please clearly note the name of the special offering in the memo line of your check; otherwise, it may be applied to the general fund.
Other - Please feel free to stop by during the week and leave your gift in the secure drop box conveniently located in our lobby entrance. You may also choose to mail your gift to:
First Baptist Church Louisa
301 W Pike St
Louisa, KY 41230
Non-monetary Gifts
You may find that a non-monetary gift may be more beneficial as a giving option. Please consider some of these giving ideas:
- Stocks
- Bonds
- Gold/Silver
- Land
- Homes
- Cars
- Collectibles
If you have any questions regarding these or other giving ideas, please contact Debbie Ward, our Treasurer at 606-483-0879
Frequently Asked Questions about Online Giving
Will I still receive a contribution statement?
Yes, we will mail your year-end giving statement directly to your home address.